Get desktop notifications from Emacs shell commands
When interacting with the operating systems I always use Eshell because it integrates seamlessly with Emacs, supports (remote) TRAMP file names and also works nice on Windows.
After starting shell commands (like long running build jobs) I often lose track the task when switching buffers.
Thanks to Emacs hooks mechanism you can customize Emacs to call a elisp function when an external command finishes.
I use John Wiegleys excellent alert package to send desktop notifications:
(require 'alert)
(defun eshell-command-alert (process status)
"Send `alert' with severity based on STATUS when PROCESS finished."
(let* ((cmd (process-command process))
(buffer (process-buffer process))
(msg (format "%s: %s" (mapconcat 'identity cmd " ") status)))
(if (string-prefix-p "finished" status)
(alert msg :buffer buffer :severity 'normal)
(alert msg :buffer buffer :severity 'urgent))))
(add-hook 'eshell-kill-hook #'eshell-command-alert)
alert rules can be setup programmatically. In my case I only want to get notified if the corresponding buffer is not visible:
(alert-add-rule :status '(buried) ;only send alert when buffer not visible
:mode 'eshell-mode
:style 'notifications)
This even works on TRAMP
buffers. Below is a screenshot showing a Gnome desktop notification
of a failed make